"Soon I will get that Flexi Girl. I have got the money," said Dr Monkey. "Soon I will rob the bank."
"Look Dr Monkey is getting taken to the dungeon," said Flexi Girl. "I hope he stays there."
But he got out and Flexi Girl tried to stop him.
"Now, I can rob the bank, ha ha ha ha" said Dr Monkey and I will get that Flexigirl. But what can I do, hmmmmmmmmmm! said Dr Monkey "Maybe I could pretend to be a man and then get her and then bring her to my new bank and then no one can stop me"
"Then how can I go and get her? So let's stick with it then." said Dr Monkey. Hi Dr monkey I heard
you escaped ''said Fexigirl how did you know? said Dr Monkey. Because I always know. I have been listening to your plan said Flexigirl. So you can't get me said Dr Monkey. Yes we can said Flexigirl and the police. Got you. Nooooooooooo!
Now we can have a party. They took Dr Monkey to the dungeon and found the diamonds in the bank. The children cheered.
They all lived happily ever after.
Who got the diamonds Bo? If there any spare diamonds I,m sure your mum would like some!